Electronic Personal Dosimeter EPD-27 DoseG and DoseGX

  1. Electronic Personal Dosimeter EPD-27 DoseG and DoseGX
  2. Electronic Personal Dosimeter EPD-27 DoseG and DoseGX
  3. Electronic Personal Dosimeter EPD-27 DoseG and DoseGX
  4. Electronic Personal Dosimeter EPD-27 DoseG and DoseGX

Electronic Personal Dosimeter EPD-27 DoseG and DoseGX


The devices are intended for use as part of an automated system of individual dosimetric control and for autonomous use.

• Measurement of individual dose equivalent (DE) of gamma and X-ray radiation
• Measurement of individual dose equivalent rate (DER) of gamma and X-ray radiation
• Monitoring of time spent in the control zone
• Maintaining an automated database of dose load on personnel as part of the software and hardware complex (unified) automated system of individual dosimetric control of personnel

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